Legal Information for Ukrainian Refugees – UKR/RUS/ENG

According to current reports, the number of people who have already fled to neighboring countries because of Putin’s war in Ukraine, has now reached over one million. In addition to our everyday solidarity legal help is also needed. These flyers help.

According to current reports, the number of people who have already fled to neighboring countries because of Putin’s war in Ukraine, has now reached over one million. Several thousand people have already arrived in Germany. In the coming weeks, many more will follow.

Yesterday, on Thursday, 3 March 2022, the European Union decided to put into force its directive on mass influx. That means that the reception of Ukrainian refugees will be simplified and that uniform standards will now apply throughout Europe. It also means that the Dublin rules have been suspended.

Despite these good news, in addition to our everyday solidarity- providing shelter, food and donations- legal help is also needed.  Taking the wrong steps in contact with German authorities can have severe consequences for refugees. Below you will find handouts in Ukrainian, English and Russian, which will give refugees arriving in Germany a first orientation.

Legal Info for Ukrainian Refugees – Ukranian
Legal Info for Ukrainian Refugees – Russian
Legal Info for Ukrainian Refugees – English

If you go to train stations to help refugees, take the handouts with you and distribute them! If you bring donations to Poland, include handouts! When Ukrainian refugees come to your city, provide them with this information! Thank you. - die Woche!

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